Well, ive been hard at work trying to finish 2 big game projects, and im happy to announce that one is near completion and is about to be released very very soon. Ragdoll Ricochet continues on from my previous minigames with some nice changes.
The doll is no longer a stick figure but now proper images. If you have good suggestions for future 'doll' getups drop me a line. Also a dismemberment system has been integrated, and a lot of the old lag issues have been fixed. Players will compete to see who can give Jackie Chan a run for his money in this ragdoll avoider.
Also, everyone will probably be asking "where the hell is the complete Zball!?!" . Well, its a really large project and the entire thing has begun from scratch. EVERYTHING is to be overhauled, and the game has become an adventure/scrolling beatem up.
The fighting engine is now based on melee attacks and special moves, and not the sport of zball. However, dont be disappointed as many of your special moves allow you to play zball with your fireballs for added strategy.
This project is still a long time away form being completed, but i am deep in the player engine and art phase. If anyone has good suggestions for special moves, now is the time to brainwash me.
Anyways, that should keep you updated for the moment
What engine do you use and if you are able please send me the 2D ragdoll thing you use for stair fall and slicey game. Oh yeah jonotto1@yahoo.com.au they gave me an australian account :(
What engine do I use for what? Either way its my engine.
No i cannot send you the ragdoll script because; its not that simple, it was a lot of hard work, and it wont be much use to you if you cant understand it, and if you could you wouldnt need to ask me to build and supply it to you. I suggest researching trigonometry and inverse kinematics.
And whats wrong with an Australian account? :P