over specialise and you breed in weakness...

Age 39, Male

Freelance Multimedia


Perth, Australia

Joined on 7/23/06

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KynetiK-27's News

Posted by KynetiK-27 - December 22nd, 2012

Well it's been a long time since my lastpost, but in my hiatus I have been concentrating on my audio production and have upped the ante. I am pleased to present to the public a demo track from a collaborative album still in development.

https://soundcloud.com/kynetik-studio/string-the ory
(downloads available)

'String Theory' is an experiment combining classical orchestrals with elements of breaks, drum & bass, and dubstep. It has received a great response so far, but it may have more in store for it so please let me know what you think! =D

Produced, Mixed & Mastered by KYnetiK.

48kHz | 256kbps


# FruityLoops Studio 9 XXL
-- Native Tools ( generation, composition, filtering & EQ, compression, mastering )
-- Non Native ( CamelPHAT, db Glitch )
# Sonic Foundry -- FM Synthesis / Wav Editing

# Vestax VCI-100C + generic 2-octave MIDI keyboard
# Audigy 2ZS

*Violin sample from 'In a Cage' by Tim Minchin & The Heritage Orchestra --- Check it out!

(Unfortunately the first 50 secs of the song have been cut off and that's what I sampled, try as I might I cannot find the track in its entirety online without illegally sharing it myself. I suppose you'll just have to check out the CD/DVD's yourself!)

Posted by KynetiK-27 - April 27th, 2011

The Gauntlet has been sold and is officially released!

Show your support by playing and being among the scoreboard leaders! Tell your friends to run The Gauntlet today!

A big special shoutout to Arnoud v/d Horst from Arcadebomb for being an absolute pleasure to do business with.


The Gauntlet is a mysterious device that will test your agility and reflexes. Dash through the network at break-neck speeds to become champion of cyberspace!

After stumbling upon an intriguing device, the player is thrust into a virtual reality. To discover the true function of the program, you must make your way through cyberspace in the ultimate test of your agility and reflexes.

Features :

- Challenging puzzle based on simple rules and player skill.
- Simple Controls : Arrow Keys, Spacebar + Shift. Press Q to quick-restart during gameplay.
- Realtime Tutorial included.
- Unique interface navigation.
- Integrated anti-cheat system.
- Online Score & Achievement Tracking.
- Bonus Stage: Get a combo of 50 or more during your game to execute.
- Unlockable Stealth Mode: get a Stealth Bonus on all 10 stages to unlock this mode.
- Beat Stealth Mode for unstoppable Bit Power!!!


Sponsored by ARCADEBOMB

Compete for the highest score at KYNETIK-ART !!!

NG -- Scoreboard
NG ++ Scoreboard


The GAUNTLET : Release!

Posted by KynetiK-27 - October 10th, 2010

yeehaaa! Another big update on the game...
A brand new HUD, a new ability, improved AI, and among other things - a flamethrower with realistic particle FX !! >=D

Check it out @ KYnetiK-ART.com

Prototype 101010 Update

Posted by KynetiK-27 - October 5th, 2010


I feel obligated to post an updated status thing but I don't have
anything to say, so I'll probably just ramble until it looks like this
status is actually long enough to pass as something a little legit, but
noone will read it anyway lol because it starts out with 'so... uh...'
...and they'll be like, "That looks boring" or something. Well, some people might read it, I shouldn't generalize; That's bad!

Posted by KynetiK-27 - September 20th, 2010

Posted by KynetiK-27 - June 14th, 2010

I am pleased to announce that I now have a dedicated space for all things KYnetiK ART . Its still coming together slowly, but its just the start of some very promising things on the horizon, so keep posted!

KYnetiK Art now has a website!

Posted by KynetiK-27 - May 5th, 2008

EDIT : I had a stint in hospital and have been set back a lot. Ive had to concentrate a lot of my energy elsewhere for some time, but now Im back and hungry to get my AI working.

Im currently working on a fighting engine, best described as a scrolling StreetFighter/HyperDimension.
You're just a casual pothead chasing some green, but something big is going down and you get caught in the middle, unlocking hidden powers and taking you on a n epic mythology to protect the world from certain disaster.
All of earths great warriors are chasing something special, and you have to take them all down and save the day, keeping your high along the way.
You will be fighting multiple enemies at once, so you must be resourceful to survive.

Most of the player stuff has been done, enemy stuff is being worked on as we speak. I have a basic dummy enemy working however its too buggy for a demo as yet.

Atm the gamedemo has :

- variety of melee combo attacks and linkers, from crouching, standing, to airbourne.
- basic attacks will alternate left and right side - eg a weak punch will use left arm then right etc
- proper special moves and button triggers eg F,D,F+ Punch does an Shoryuken style uppercut.
- charge attacks, for punching, kicking and kiblasts.
- player can turn around manually, from standing quickturn to airbourne moonsault and within a combo for multidirectional combat. Animation varies with time of use.
- variety of ki attacks, from fodder to superbeams.
- evasive double-dashes
- blocking, dodging and countering ( a lot missing)
- camera shaking and screen damage from kiblasts
- basic lighting system (bit buggy)

Working on :

- dummy enemy and animations
- attack collisions and hurt reactions (front/back/up/down)
- multidirectional meteor combo system eg powerhit, teleport, powerhit, teleport etc
- enemy ai
- item collection - gunja types/ munchies/ weapons/ keys
- special move progression
- experience based on attackstyle - learn attacks based on how you fight.
- player gfx change with experience
- level design

Forum Thread
Playable Demo

Press 2,3 or 4 to navigate through Controls, Moveslist, and Key Legend and just mess around, see what you can do.


Latest Project !

Posted by KynetiK-27 - September 7th, 2007

Well, ive been hard at work trying to finish 2 big game projects, and im happy to announce that one is near completion and is about to be released very very soon. Ragdoll Ricochet continues on from my previous minigames with some nice changes.
The doll is no longer a stick figure but now proper images. If you have good suggestions for future 'doll' getups drop me a line. Also a dismemberment system has been integrated, and a lot of the old lag issues have been fixed. Players will compete to see who can give Jackie Chan a run for his money in this ragdoll avoider.

Also, everyone will probably be asking "where the hell is the complete Zball!?!" . Well, its a really large project and the entire thing has begun from scratch. EVERYTHING is to be overhauled, and the game has become an adventure/scrolling beatem up.
The fighting engine is now based on melee attacks and special moves, and not the sport of zball. However, dont be disappointed as many of your special moves allow you to play zball with your fireballs for added strategy.
This project is still a long time away form being completed, but i am deep in the player engine and art phase. If anyone has good suggestions for special moves, now is the time to brainwash me.

Anyways, that should keep you updated for the moment

Posted by KynetiK-27 - July 17th, 2007

What can I say? Im the philosophical, pantheistic artist, disgusted and amused at mankinds ability to be both so imaginatively creative yet so frighteningly arrogant.

Ive loved animation all my life, the history of the art is quite amazing - i suggest researching it yourself one day. Ive played out my existence drawing, making music, playing/building videogames, reading a LOT, studying the workings of the world - art & language, chemistry, physics, biology, electronics, sociology and psychology, theology & philosophy. One of my great passions is the martial arts, combat and peace being culminative of ones survival value. In any case im beginning to ramble, if my way interests you then im sure ill hear from you.

Please take the time to browse my Flashes and feel free to leave feedback ^_^


-||- KYnetiK -||-

Welcome to my userpage !